Nerd Stuff
Here are some of the nerdy things that we have fitted within our rig, either for convenience, the dogs safety or to prevent our storage bay freezing up!
These are all the exact items that we use on a daily basis and highly recommend (Unless Specified)
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1 - Samsung SmartThings Hub
Along with our Router, this is the core of our nerd stuff. This is the brain that all the sensors connect to. This will then use the internet from your wifi connection to send you alerts.
2 - Samsung SmartThings hub wall mount
We have the SmartThings hub mounted on the wall in our storage bay using this.
3 - Samsung SmartThings Multipurpose sensor
We have 4 of these mounted on our storage bay door, our main door and our bedroom door. We primarily use this to detect the temperature and it will send us an alert if the temperature is too high or too low (These can be configured). It also detects when a door is opened or closed and if there is any movement.
4 - USB wall outlet
I wired this up to the 12v light in our storage bay. This provides an outlet to plug in the SmartThings hub.
5 - Fused cable
You'l need this to wire up the hub and lets you install an inline fuse. Probably not needed, but I didn't want to risk blowing up the hub. You only need one, but this is great value and you'll have spares for future projects.
6 - Fuses
You'll need this for the above. I think 3 amp is safest, but a 5 amp might work.
7 - USB outlet to SmartThings hub cable
This will provide power from the USB outlet to the SmartThings Hub.
8 - Samsung SmartPlug outlet
This is an outlet that can be controlled through the SmartThings hub. We place this in the storage area and plug in a 60w bulb (Ensuring nothing is touching the bulb). Then, using one of the multisensors above, we configure the outlet to turn on at a certain temperature. The bulb should provide enough heat to stop water pipes and our Nautilus system from freezing.
8 - Hangable Work lamp
This is the work lamp that I fit with a 60w bulb to provide the heat. Although there is a protective shroud on this, I still ensure nothing is close to this!